@ Naperville Public Library

Are you the mystery reader for your child’s classroom? We have some old favorites,  and some new favorites, that would be hits in any K-2 classroom!

This could be you!

TOO MANY FROGS by Ann and John Hassett (Where do you put 10, 50, or a million frogs?)

IF A MONKEY JUMPS ONTO YOUR SCHOOL BUS by Jean M. Cochran (Zoo animals add fun and confusion when they are set loose on a town).

GILBERT GOLDFISH WANTS A PET by Kelly Dipucchio (Gilbert Goldfish has everything except a pet of his own!)

HUNGRY HEN by Richard Waring (A greedy fox watches a hungry hen growing bigger every day and suffers for his appetite).

BARK, GEORGE by Jules Feiffer (George is a puppy who does not sound like a puppy should!)

WHEN DINOSAURS CAME WITH EVERYTHING   by Elise Broach (A little boy is delighted when every store he visits gives away a HUGE surprise!)

BEDTIME AT THE SWAMP  by Kristyn Crow (The scary monster in the swamp is a real surprise).

For more great suggestions, ask one of us in the Childrens  Department. We would love to help!

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